After his law degree, Mr. Rogers subsequently became a lecturer at the University for Applied Science (Law Faculty) in Amsterdam, where he taught Criminal Law and Administrative Law. In addition, Mr. Rogers also supervised projects in the aforementioned areas of law, as well as in European Law.
In 2007, Mr. Rogers obtained his Master’s degree in US Comparative Law at the University of Florida, USA. Mr. Rogers subsequently returned to St. Maarten in 2007 and is since practicing law throughout the Dutch Caribbean, where he has a general practice. However, his focus is on Criminal Law, Administrative Law, Labour Law, Family Law, Contract Law, Civil Servant Law, Immigration Law, Liability Law, Inheritance Law, and Corporate Law.
In 2010 until 2013, Mr. Rogers was a lecturer at the Institute for Law Enforcement and Protection (Opleidingsinstituut Rechtshandhaving Veiligheidszorg). He served as a member of the Supervisory Board of Directors of the St. Maarten Harbour Holding Company N.V., as well as at the St. Eustatius Utility Company N.V. (STUCO) in the capacity of chairman. In March of 2014, Mr. Rogers was appointed by the Governor of St. Eustatius to serve as a member on the Committee to investigate the irregularities in a number of Decrees of the Executive Council of the Public Entity of St. Eustatius. Mr. Rogers also served as the chairman of the Centraal Stembureau (St. Maarten’s Central Voting Bureau) and as the St. Maarten’s member on the Progress Committee. He is currently a member of the “Raad van Appél voor de Advocatuur” (Supervisory Council in Appeal for Attorneys).